Seth Shankarlal Lahoti Law College, Kalaburagi

Established in 1960
Recognized by Bar Council of India, New Delhi
Affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubli
Accredited by NAAC with "B" Grade


Academic Schedule

3 Year LL. B. Courses (Syllabus):

Sl. No.


3yrs LL.B. Programme 2018-19


1st sem

  1. Constitutional Law -I
  2. Contract – 1
  3. Law of Torts
  4. Family Law-I: Hindu Law
  5. Criminal Law -1: Indian Penal Code
  6. English (For those who write examinations in Kannada)


2nd sem

  1. Constitutional Law-II
  2. Contract –II
  3. Labour Law-I
  4. Property Law
  5. Family Law -II: Mohemmadan Law & Indian Succession Act
  6. Kannada/ Kannada Kali (For Non-Kannadiga students)


3rd sem

  1. Jurisprudence
  2. Labour Law-II
  3. Law of Taxation
  4. Criminal Law-II: CR.P.C., JJ Act & Probation of Offenders Act
  5. Administrative Law


4th sem

  1. Public International Law
  2. Optionai-1: Human Rights Law and Practice / Insurance Law
  3. Optional-11: Banking Law / Right to Information
  4. Clinical Course-1: Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System
  5. Clinical Course-II: Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems




5th sem

  1. Company Law
  2. Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
  3. Optional-III: Intellectual Property Rights-1 / Penology &Victimology
  4. Optional-IV: Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of Legislation / Competition Law
  5. Clinical Course-III: Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance



6th sem

  1. Law of Evidence
  2. Environmental Law
  3. Optional-V: Intellectual Property Rights-II/ White Collar Crimes
  4. Optional-VI: Land Law / Law relating to International Trade Economics
  5. Clinical Course-IV: Moot Court Exercise and Internship



KSLU has introduced 20 marks as Internal Assessment in every subject form this Academic year 2018-19 which is applicable to 1st sem of 3 years & 1st sem of 5 years LL.B course.


Academic Schedule

5 Year LL. B. Courses (Syllabus):

Sl. No.


Integrated B.A., LL.B. Programme for the year 2018-19

1st Sem

  1. General English
  2. Major-1
  3. Minor-I-1
  4. Minor-II-1
  5. Legal Methods


2nd Sem

  1. Kannada / Kannada Kali
  2. Major-2
  3. Minor-I-2
  4. Minor-II-2
  5. Law of Torts


3rd Sem

  1. Major-3
  2. Major-4
  3. Minor-I-3
  4. Minor-H-3
  5. Constitutional Law-I


4th Sem

  1. Major-5
  2. Major-6
  3. Constitutional Law-II
  4. Law of Crimes-I
  5. Contract-I (Law of General Contract)



5th Sem

  1. Labour Law-I
  2. Jurisprudence
  3. Family Law-I
  4. Contract-II (Specific Contracts)
  5. Administrative Law



6th Sem

  1. Labour Law-II
  2. Company Law
  3. Property Law
  4. Family Law-II



7th Sem

  1. Public International Law
  2. Law of Taxation
  3. Criminal Law-II (Cr. P. C.)
  4. Clinical Course-I: Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System.


8th Sem

  1. Law of Evidence
  2. Optional-I: Human Rights Law and Practice / Insurance Law.
  3. Optional-II: Banking Law / Right to Information.
  4. Clinical Course-II: Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems



9th Sem

  1. Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act
  2. Optional-III: Intellectual Property Rights-I / Penology & Victimology.
  3. Optional-IV: Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of Legislation / Competition Law
  4. Clinical Course-lV: Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance.



10th Sem

  1. Environmental Law
  2. Optional-V: Intellectual Property Rights-II/ White Collar Crimes
  3. Optional-VI: Land Law / Law relating to International Trade Economics
  4. Clinical Course-IV: Moot Court Exercise and Internship